
There are currently over twenty different types of Ichthyosis. It is a skin condition that causes dry, tough, cracked, and rough skin. This condition can give skin the appearance of fish scales. This is a condition that can be either inherited or acquired. Ichthyosis is caused by a mutation of the genes and the symptoms are usually noticeable within the first few years of life. Most people are not even aware of the symptoms of ichthyosis when they experience them. Most forms of ichthyosis are very rare, except for ichthyosis vulgaris. Symptoms can be noticed mostly on the face and head, but can be found all over the body. The only parts of the body that are spared are the bends of the arms and legs. It can affect all ages, genders, and races.

Symptoms of Ichthyosis

  • Dry skin that cracks at the creases and folds
  • Thickening of the skin, especially on the palms
  • Rough or scratchy skin that flakes
  • Skin that feels like the scales of a fish

Problems Caused By Ichthyosis

  • Getting Too Hot. The normal temperature of the skin can be affected by ichthyosis because it reduces the body’s ability to sweat.
  • Low Mobility. The dryness of the skin can cause pain when trying to move. Patients cannot move certain parts of their body without experiencing extreme pain.
  • Infection. Those who suffer from ichthyosis often suffer from a secondary infection. These skin infections can lead to systemic infections.
  • Diminished Hearing And Eye Sight. It is possible for skin to begin to build up around the ears and the eyes, making it difficult to hear or see.

Treatment Options For Ichthyosis

  • Moisturize and Exfoliate. After a shower or a bath, use a foot file or pumice stone to exfoliate the dead skin from your body painlessly. This can help with the build up of skin to avoid bigger problems in the future. Once you have removed as much as the dead or flaky skin as possible, apply lotion to the cracked or dry places on your body on a regular basis. This can help trap in as much moisture as possible inside of the skin. It is best to apply the lotion as soon as you get out of the shower or bath tub.
  • Medication. Your doctor can recommend ointments and cream that you can apply directly to the sin to avoid scaling and cracking. Your doctor can also provide oral retinoids like acitretin. This treatment option can also prevent scaling. If you are suffering from a secondary infection your doctor can provide you with an oral antibiotic.
  • Thoroughly Brush Your Hair. Use a fine toothed comb to comb your hair as close to the scalp as possible. This can help remove some of the dry and flaky skin from your head.

Ichthyosis is a not a curable skin condition, but it is one that can be treated and prevented if the correct actions are taken. Following the advice of your doctor or dermatologist can help you keep this condition under control.


  1. https://www.dermnetnz.org/topics/ichthyosis/
  2. https://www.aad.org/public/diseases/scaly-skin/ichthyosis-vulgaris

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