Skin Disorders Diseases Infectious Exanthems

Infectious Exanthems

An infectious exanthem is a generalized cutaneous eruption associated with a primary systemic infection; it is often accompanied by oral mucosal lesions, i.e., an enanthem. Most often it is of viral nature but can be caused by Rickettsia, bacteria, and parasites.

Causes of Infectious Exanthems

Skin lesions may be produced by the direct effect of microbial replication in infected cells, the host response to the microbe, or the interaction of these two phenomena.

Symptoms of Infectious Exanthems

Most non-specific rashes appear as spots or blotches and may or may not be itchy. The rash is usually widespread and may be more extensive on the trunk and extremities. In most cases, prior to the rash appearing, patients may have symptoms of general unwellness that include:

  • Fever
  • Malaise
  • Headache
  • Loss of appetite
  • Abdominal pain
  • Irritability
  • Muscular aches and pains


Usually made on history and clinical findings.


For most patients with non-specific exanthems no treatment is required as the condition is usually short-lived and resolves spontaneously. If necessary, symptomatic treatment with paracetamol to reduce fever and/or with topical/oral antihistamines or preparations such as calamine lotion to relieve itch may be used.



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